Reflection at home! How, what and why! Q&A


Reflé is a word – a technique for people who visit hairdressing salons
with which they have largely appropriated.
So much so that with so much use it gives the feeling that it can accomplish anything.
Today’s Beauty Blender Q&A is here to address this issue and give the right answers!
What is the Q&A Beauty Blender though?
Hair Tips perfectly targeted cut and sewn to your measurements,
with questions you ask me in the comments, especially on our YouTube channel @MISELGROUP .
First of all I want to thank you very much for your active participation and the love I receive!
Your comments conceal your concerns and the difficulties you are experiencing in managing or
the care of your hair in order to see it as you dream.
In more than 70 videos on our channel I give you a lot of Hair Tips for your hair.
The topics I choose are concerns that people usually bring to me in the salon.
So I collect the questions and create Hair Tips videos in the “Beauty Blender” playlist, or in the #shorts category of the channel.
I always find your questions under the videos and answer them as thoroughly as I can to help.

And I had an idea!

If someone has the same question, the same concern and does not come in to read the comments,
how will he solve his problem?
Undoubtedly the idea of creating a video is the best answer to this question.
Let alone being a great help to me in creating content with Hair tips videos.
So then one hand washes the other and both hands wash the face.
You ask and I answer!
So we have this section that we call Q&A, which stands for Question & Answer. Answer.
I see it as a very nice game that gives me the opportunity to give as much help as I can to anyone who needs it.

Well… To ours!

The question of this Beauty Blender Q&A is a legitimate question and I’m here to help you!
Is it easy to apply the reflex at home without a visit to the salon?

Reflection is a technique that can provide very important solutions to colour problems and unwanted shades.
But if the proportions of the ingredients that make it up are not mixed correctly,
then the results can be irreversibly dissatisfying.
One wrong ratio on the relay, with a dwell time of about ten minutes, is quite
to completely alter a result.

I’ll just describe it to you so you understand

You have a balayage or highlighting technique on your hair and the colour has changed.
You wash them with silver but it doesn’t do very well.
You want to move on to more drastic solutions because you can’t keep seeing your hair like this.
So, you decide to go through a reflex on your own.
You find a colour on the shelves of a department store that expresses you and you buy it with confidence.
You have all the equipment, gloves, bowl, brush and acetone and you make the chemical compound.

Let’s assume that the colour you have chosen is a cool blonde.
Specifically you got one that is greyed out to last longer with the washes (don’t tell me I didn’t get into your head…)

Since you’re experienced, it takes about 10 – 15 minutes to rinse it off – that’s pretty much how long they used to keep it in the salon.
You rinse… you wipe… you dry and… your mouth goes crooked…
Your natural which was a dark brown has become a brown, chocolate, honey maybe even mustard… I would say
…but I guess you’ve been cut off…
And if you didn’t get cut off because you didn’t like it at the beginning, since you were enlightened on the whole, it will be cut off as soon as I tell you the rest…

In about 3 weeks, the following will happen…

It’s going to make an appearance first folk, your natural… that dark brown we were talking about… remember?
The cool shades from the light ones will have taken the ship and are leaving and you… you ended up with 3 colors…
So if you are doing a reflex at home, it is most likely that you will get a third gift in addition to the 2 colours you have..
You want it?
If yes, goodbye, if not, go to the professional hairdresser you trust, show the video or tell him to send me a message
to explain to him exactly what his “weapons” are to solve this problem easily and quickly!
If you would like to speak directly with me, make a consultation and diagnosis appointment with me,
call 2105980007, or online with one click here , even on social media Facebook and Instagra m ,
to see it all


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