Paris Skartsolias : “A subversive end to the café of joy”


A beautiful boy that we knew as the son of Harry Roma, has grown up and is back and is here with us, to talk to us about everything, because Paris is not only what you see on your TV or in the theatre…but much more…!

Paris does not look like the well-known Manos from the café of joy, but neither does he look like Theo from Tamam. According to him, he doesn’t really look like either of them, but his personality is somewhere in the middle.

In the following interview we learn, among other things, about the new actors’ entrances to the café of joy and the big twist in the last episode, which shocked even him. How would you want this very successful series to end? Will Manos be with Virtue or Valia?

Manos, or more correctly Paris, although between two women, has not felt any erotic attraction for his co-star. Really? One thing is for sure, he doesn’t talk about his personal life with ease…but as he told us, there is a reason!!!

Quarantine one and quarantine two! A problem we all had to endure, whatever the consequences for us, both personally and professionally.
For Paris, the first quarantine was soul-crushing, but fortunately not much changed in the second one. “The couch never tells you to get up” so his advice is to try to make our time as productive as possible even with things we may never have thought of.

Undoubtedly, he’s a nice kid… but what is his relationship to beauty? Day creams, night creams she uses? And eventually growing up, would he consider having some corrective surgery? “Beauty means humour”, a very true quote that may give us the answer to the above mentioned.

We asked him a lot of questions and Paris answered almost everything. We thank him and we wish him, apart from always making the right choices in his professional life, to soon have the family, the little girl he wants.


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