Massage in the hairdresser, it’s not just a pleasure


A simple head massage is something we have all experienced, I suppose, since our childhood. If we remember when we were somewhat stressed and especially when we had difficulty sleeping, our parents, without any special knowledge, would calm us down by gently stroking our heads.

Have you considered that one of the possibilities and experiences you can enjoy while in a salon is the experience and the beneficial properties of a massage?

Research has shown that a head massage, apart from the sense of pleasure it offers, can relieve the symptoms of a headache, reduce stress and possibly enhance hair growth.

And the best place to do it? The hairdresser’s bath!!

But if you want a second option, for a specialized head massage, you can also visit a massage therapist.

Benefits of a head massage

  • It releases the tension.
  • Relieves migraine and headache.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Relaxes

A good scalp massage can help reduce stress and tension, improve the condition of the scalp and improve blood circulation in your head and neck area. Promotes hair growth and reduces blood pressure.

I suggest you to visit your hairdresser often for a massage, because it will definitely stimulate you !!!

All you have to do is to leave yourself in the hands of the experts and enjoy to the fullest the care they will offer you!!

A gentle head massage is a heavenly way to integrate your inner beauty practice with your outer beauty routine.


✍️ Do you enjoy the massage in the bath?

The hairxpert by Ioanna & Sissy



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