K.O.K.K.K.K.E.: Participation in the strike on 9 November


Workers on the streets in today’s national strike on November 9!
GSEE, ADEDY, EKA and PAME declared a 24-hour strike in order to solve the two very basic demands.

At 11:00 in the morning, the GSEE, the ADEDY and the PDO OTA, among others, gathered at the Klathmonos Square.
Shortly after 1 p.m., the march to the Parliament started from Klathmonos Square,
where the protesters had gathered.

Who is involved and the inaccessible centre

Due to the strike the streets in the centre of Athens were closed.
Stadiou, Panepistimiou, B. Amalias from Solonos and down, Piraeus from Iera Odos.
The taxi drivers’ union of Attica participated in this march,
while ships will be tied up in ports all over the country as the administration of the Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation (PNO)
decided to participate in the 24-hour strike of the GSEE (the strike concerns all categories of ships).
In addition, the temporary abolition of the Ring was announced for today.
Finally, air traffic controllers are also participating in the 24-hour strike with a work stoppage from 10 am,
until 6 pm resulting in many flights being cancelled.

SOURCE: PROTO THEMA (protothema.gr)

The K.O.K.K.K.K.E. in the pulse of the strike!

All unions-members of the Branch Federation of Shopkeepers of Hairdressers of Greece (K.O.K.K.K.K.K.E),
but also many hairdressers and barbers gave a massive and dynamic presence in the nationwide strike
to support businesses from the effects of the current crisis.

SOURCE: newsit.gr

As the President Maria Sotiropoulou told us exclusively, the mobilizations of the hairdressers’ sector
is not only in Athens but also in places all over Greece.

So the two main demands they are demanding are a reduction in consumer goods, because of the big increase they have taken
and the energy crisis plaguing businesses and beyond.
The aim is to reduce the price of energy because of the upcoming winter, as prices are high enough for the average Greek.

The source of the cover is ieidiseis.gr.


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