I learn from my own mistakes


I’m learning as I live and evolve…

I learn from my own mistakes…
Anyone who has never made a mistake means he has never tried anything new in his life. “Einstein.”
And yes… It’s very true.
From the moment as infants we begin to discover life around us, it’s mistakes,
the perseverance and attention that lead us to knowledge.
This is what I learn from the first day of my birth.
It is the encouragement from our parents and our environment that show us the right way to fall,
and how to get up.
No child is uncomfortable or embarrassed when they make a mistake.
It is part of knowledge, of life itself.

But growing up, everything changes.

When we consider our mistakes a failure, then discouragement is just around the corner along with guilt to ourselves.
Many times we avoid trying new things for fear of making a mistake,
resulting in a deprivation of new experiences and opportunities in our lives.
But a simple admission can radically change the way we see and deal with error in our lives.
This is as the wise people say “we learn from our mistakes” because mistakes are one of the most basic tools of learning.

The one who has a fear of making mistakes is most often conservative and breaks down psychologically when he fails to achieve perfection.
But why do we treat error in our professional lives with fear?
I don’t think it needs much analysis.

Certainly in our workplace there are people who are “comfortable” with the sure thing, with what they think they know well
and stubbornly refuse to try anything new.

Is the mistake a failure?

People who believe that failure is failure and who, in order to fail, remain stagnant and stubbornly attached to the
“comfort zone”, that is, in what they know and what offers them the security and certainty of avoiding error.
This category of people, certainly in their family or even in their work environment was done in the wrong way.
He was not given the encouragement to try, perhaps criticized for his mistakes, and developed a defense of avoiding learning
and develop the above skills.

What can we do to help in these situations?

The solution is one and only one.
Encouragement to slowly try new things and proper guidance with respect and love so that,
gradually improve his skills.
This is how he gains confidence in himself.
To recount incidents that we ourselves through our mistakes have learned and improved many times works.
and this encouragingly.

However, there is another category of our colleagues, the one who tries everything,
the one who makes mistakes, the one who always has an excuse ready to prove that the mistake was never his.
This is a more difficult and dangerous category as we are now dealing with the customer factor.

The client from my experience, if we confront her with “excuses” in case of a mistake she will definitely leave
unhappy and unlikely to return.
You have to learn that a mistake in your work has to be faced bravely.
The first and important step is its admission.
If you try to make the other person crazy then you’ve lost by hand.
It shows a lack of professionalism and respect for the person who trusts us.
So I learn from my failures.

How can I deal with my mistake?

And because we all know that mistakes are human and in our lives, after admitting and of course apologizing we go through
to the next step which is immediate treatment and if possible in the most painless way.
Many factors lead us to make mistakes in our professional routine.
But one factor that is not due to us is material failure.
Another reason is that we have not learned to listen.
Listen carefully to what the client is asking you and if you can do it, go ahead, but if you can’t, it’s better not to do it,
unless you have an alternative to her request.
Never, ever take on a job if you know from the start that the result will be disastrous for both you and the client.


It is very important when there is a mistake to discuss it with your colleagues, so that you can find out why it happened and
look for ways it could be addressed.
Such a conversation leads to knowledge and avoidance of similar situations in the future.
Excuses are simply an obstacle to development and learning.
Admission is again an element of bravery, self-esteem and a characteristic of a person who is moving forward, learning and creating.

However we do it, error is and will remain an element of our lives and a valuable aid to our development.

Elizabeth Makri.


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