How you can make a list to cover your physical needs


Taking care of our physical needs helps and enhances the maintenance of proper body function and, in general, our physical well-being. If you are trying to compile a care list of your physical needs, start by first identifying what your physical needs are. Below, you can indicate any measures you are currently taking to meet these needs. If you notice areas you want to make changes or improvements, highlight them in your self-care routine. Below are some of the most common physical needs and ways to meet them.


Most adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Lack of adequate sleep on a regular basis can affect your mood, concentration and health. Although insufficient sleep is very common, you can often improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep yourself.


Good nutrition doesn’t just involve the types of food you eat. Certainly, by following a balanced diet and choosing – for the most part – foods that are nutritious you are helping to protect your health. But what’s just as important is to think about how you eat. A balanced and intuitive diet (eat when, what, and as long as you are hungry) can help you feel more satisfied with food.


Studies suggest that adults who can physically exercise should exercise for at least 150 minutes every week. If you choose to add exercise to your self-care programme, make sure you choose activities that you enjoy, as this seems to be the key to maintaining them in your routine.

Physical intimacy

People often use the term “intimacy” as a quality that refers to sex. However, physical intimacy includes other types of physical contact that play an equally important role in well-being. Touch is a basic human need and the lack of it can have an impact on health. Some ideas to incorporate physical intimacy into your self-care routine are: getting a massage (professional or sharing a massage with a friend or partner), cuddling with a loved one, your favorite pet or yourself.


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