How to turn a visit of your client into a unique experience !!!!


Have you ever smelled a perfume and it reminded you of something? To listen to a piece of music and have your mind go somewhere?
Or, even visit a place and “travel” mentally as if you were somewhere else, because the music, the decoration, the aromas, the people there, took you somewhere else?
And all this because the above stimuli touched YOUR basic senses !!!






Research into the neurobiology of the individual has shown that in order for any event to be “recorded” in our minds, the information must be passed to our brains through our basic senses. By stimulating emotions through the senses you activate the part of the brain that is responsible for memories and pleasure. Thus, you achieve the connection of your brand with the desired, for you, images and stimuli.

Some of you may be wondering … can we in the salon touch these 5 basic senses and turn the client’s visit into an experience?

Hairdressers and Sensations

Hair salons are the places where the senses dance. Let’s see how…

Let’s start with Vision : With two thirds of all the sensory cells in our body being concentrated in our eyes, it is understandable why vision is considered the most important of all human senses!

I see – they see
What do they see? See your image, as a third party. Notice what someone sees when they enter your living room. From the reception, the waiting, the images clients see inside the salon, as well as the images you share with them in the diagnosis process, before you create their hair look.
Let’s keep in mind that we are in the Digital Age and that in Social media we may end up being seen by more eyes than those who visit us in person.
You choose what you want them to see when they visit your living room or your social media!!

Similar to the sense of sight, the sound that accompanies the experience offered by a brand is important to be in harmony with its character. For example, classical music exudes a sense of luxury, giving a luxurious feel to the space!

They listen to : welcome, music of the venue , verbal communication between the group, the words you will use in your communication with them, order on the phone, farewell, etc.

It is said that 75% of our emotions come from the smells and aromas around us.

How many times have you associated a particular smell with a brand or a store? And how many times have you bought a product simply because the smell reminded you of something from your childhood?

They smell : the scent of the room, the products , the towel, even your own scent.

For a strong sense of cleanliness, prefer the smell of lemon, for a relaxing mood the scent of lavender, while for refreshing experiences, smells of mint and thyme!

Touch : Through touch, we gain important information about the quality, softness and durability of the product, while at the same time acquiring a special familiarity with it. Instruct them to touch both their hair and the products to feel the textures.

Taste :Taste creates the most intense feeling of intimacy, compared to any other human sense. So they can enjoy the special drink you offer them, antioxidant tea, juices, a cocktail, etc.

Just think of all the times a clothing or beauty shop has offered you a candy or a cookie when you leave. The aim, every time, is to create pleasant feelings for the place and its brand, through tasty enjoyment.

The greater the number of senses that take part in an experience or interaction with a brand, the more deeply it will be engraved in our memory. By extension, our emotional connection to the brand will become even stronger.

Let’s create an experience space! With its images,
its fragrance or aromas, its music, its textures, even its flavours.. and let’s take our customers and ourselves exactly where we want to go!!


thehairxpert by ioanna & sissy


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