Hairdresser or psychologist?


Hairdresser or psychologist?

For many it is an easy answer.

“But, a hairdresser, of course” I hear them say, with a great deal of confidence.

“You are nothing but a creator” I hear from the other side.

“You shouldn’t talk about anything but hair” I hear too much.

But I have the opposite opinion. Or rather I don’t agree in part!

And I’ll tell you why right now.

So I have this business which is about hair and beauty in general, because in my space we create both nails and makeup.
Very nice so far.
So every day we are visited by women, men and children.

We are visited by people.

Yes, they come for hair or nails or makeup, but with them comes a personality, a unique, special person.

You can’t just put in a wig or 10 fingers…!

So this is the man I invest in.

Like him-or me of course!!!!

To this man I show my cards and he shows me his.

From this person I need to gain his appreciation and trust so that our vibes can manage to synchronize like well wound clocks, so that I understand what he is asking me and the client understands what I am explaining to him.

And so after the whole first “union” happens and this collaboration with this man begins, I accept .


Because I really appreciate the fact that he allows me to touch his hair.
I an unknown…

Would you allow many strangers to touch you? Of course not!

If a stranger dared to touch my hair in the unchaperoned area, it would surely awaken Chucky Chan in me, even if I don’t know karate.

So I appreciate the person who, although he doesn’t know me, comes to my beautiful space and trusts my judgment and my art.

But along with that and as time goes by, he begins to trust me as a person. He can ask my opinion, he can confide in me about a problem and my position is that I have to help, always keeping a neutral attitude.

But I must help if I can and if the treaty allows me to !

I love communicating with people.

I like to share.

I like to give.

I love to unblock someone who thinks they have no choice.

I am a person who, because I am outside of my client’s inner circle, I can definitely give a different perspective on things.

I love the man.

And I like to help him.

Good job, good hair, but we’re not robots.

The salon has changed over time.

Services have evolved, hairdressers have specialised.
The hairdressing salons are renewed.
But people still have the same need.

The need for communication.

Love. The joy. The plate.

Well, besides great hair I like to give a little bit of myself every time.

No, I won’t dry up. I have plenty of stock. I am xxl.

So I believe that we hair experts as we like to be called are much more than just hairdressers.

We are the ones who create.

Those who speak.

Those who give great advice.

Those who will give you beautiful words.

Those who will cry and laugh with you.

The ones you love.

The ones you miss until your next date.

We are much more than mere processors.

And if there are eyes of young children reading me right now who want to become or are already studying to become hairdressers, they know that they will become something great.

Something unique.

Listen to your heart.

Let yourself go.

Stay unique as you are unique.

Because the one who is real will stand out!

xxx Calliope Veniou


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