Social Media Salon: July Suggestions

salon social july

Too many times we are asked to participate in the Digital Marketing Seminars for the Salon organized by Salon Proactive,
ideas for Social Media and what content you could upload.
For this July we have put together some ideas for you to communicate,
as well as attract more customers to your salon!
We are going to look at them in detail in this article in Hairdressing News.

7 July-Chocolate Day

Happy Chocolate Day!

Put some of the “chocolatey” colour effects you’ve achieved in the Color Bar,
because your dye room is often your most favorite area in the salon!
Ask them to leave a chocolate icon as a comment because of the day and remind them of their regular date!
But … it’s July, so don’t forget to remind them how to match these colour effects to their summer look.

If you want to take it a step further, you can let them know ahead of time on Social Media that because of the day,
those customers who have booked an appointment on Chocolate Day will have a surprise treat waiting for them at your place!
What could be more fitting than ice cream, given the season.

25 July-Parents’ Day

Have you ever thought about how many of your clients have children and probably daughters of an age that could
to equally enjoy services at your place?
If not, today is a good occasion to organise some action in your space to honour every mother
and parent in general, while at the same time you will attract new customers to your space through Social Media.

So, what we suggest is a promotion with 1&1 for each customer and daughter for this day !
It’s Tuesday, but a haircut and another free one for the daughter ever is always attractive!
Similarly, it could also be applied to the hairstyle.
Maybe, for the painting services the finances of the salon don’t allow it, but you can offer some discount there!
Although the fast services could have catered for more customers that day!

If you want you can extend it for the whole week and advertise it online starting early!
Customize to your own needs! Nothing is binding, after all.
We suggest, however, that you do not set an age limit for the “young” clients that your clients will be able to bring.

29 July – Lipstick Day

This day is definitely one of every woman’s favorite, considering how much we love lipstick and makeup.
For those salons that offer either make-up services or related products in their physical store or e-shop,
can put up a post promoting them accordingly and advertising them on Social Media.

If this option is not available, you can combine your colour effects with lipstick.
Which is? Simple!
Put 3-4 color effects that match perfectly with the red lipstick!
It could also be with a hairstyle!


Social Media is an occasion to develop our relationships with the customers σας
and lay the foundation to attract new ones!
Try to always keep creativity in mind!
Follow us on Social for more inspiration!

If you feel you need help too, you can contact us
to take over the management of your Social Media for your salon.
Contact us, now!

Read more of our articles here before you go and if you wish to discuss with us an issue you are facing
with your salon or beauty salon, you can book a free introductory session here.

For more news and education on everything you need for your beauty business follow us on SocialMedia: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


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