Oily hair on the head?


Oily hair: Causes and ways to treat greasiness.
An unsightly problem that has a solution!
By Hair Expert, Yannos Mindilonitis.

The over-secretion of sebum, the oily substance, from the sebaceous glands of the scalp causes the oiliness. But what factors exacerbate this undesirable condition?

What causes oiliness?

Do you suspect what may be causing the greasiness in the hair?

A. Frequent bathing.
Yes, you read that right. Frequent shampooing makes the situation worse.
Shampooing removes the natural hair oils that moisturize the scalp.
Automatically, we activate the mechanism in the hair follicles to produce more sebum
since it’s part of the defense system.
So we are creating a vicious circle that has no end.
The frequency, three times a week, is enough to keep our head clean without overdoing it.

Β. Hormonal disorders.
Hormones, the chemicals that circulate in the blood, change at different ages and in different situations in our lives.
In particular, the increase in testosterone during puberty causes overstimulation of the sebaceous glands and consequently oily hair.

Γ. Heredity.
The genes that are passed on to us by our parents determine to a large extent the tendency of the scalp to become oily.
Genetic predisposition plays a decisive role in whether our hair will become greasy.

D. Poor nutrition.
The intake of foods rich in sugars, red meat and dairy products causes sebum overproduction.
Also salt consumption causes oiliness.
The skin tries to cope with the dehydration caused by salt and produces more natural oils!

How can we treat oiliness?

A.Proper shampooing.
And when I say proper shampooing, I mean all the things that go into cleaning the scalp.
First, include a shampoo for oily hair.
Then, it has to do with the temperature of the water.
Avoid hot water because it will overstimulate the sebaceous glands and cause them to secrete more sebum.
The ideal is lukewarm to cold.
This will give you and extra shine to your hair!
Then, there is the way of washing.
Make gentle circular movements with your fingertips on the scalp and do not rub too hard.
Also, apply conditioner to the lengths and ends of the hair and not to the roots.
Finally, don’t towel dry the hair too hard because even this can cause greasiness.

Β. Good nutrition.
Choose foods that contribute to healthy hair.
Green vegetables and fruits should become your best allies.
Nuts also contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids, trace elements, proteins and vitamins.
All of these contribute to good oil production in the scalp.

Γ. Attention to styling.
First of all, you should know that the hot air from the hairdryer contributes to making the hair oily.
Ideally, they should dry naturally.
Also, watch the styling products you use.
Read the ingredient labels carefully.
Avoid products with silicone and those in wax form.
Dry shampoo can give you a solution for a day with intense oiliness.
But the next one you will have to bathe it.

Δ. Cleanliness is half of nobility.
Keep your combs and brushes clean.
Wash them often with shampoo and remove dirt and styling products from them.
Plus, change your pillowcase once or twice a week and notice the difference!

I hope I helped in the “Oily Hair” chapter and that you change some habits for the better!

With a lot of love,
Yannos Mindilonitis.


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