Morning habits of happy people. Adopt them!!!!


It is a fact that of all the people I know, only I am happy with the morning wake-ups since my goal in life is to make the most of the moments of the day in the morning.
I admit that several times my morning enthusiasm and my positive mood has brought about civil wars…. but I’m happy, is it my fault?

For most people, waking up in the morning is stressful and they hate getting up before 9am. You’re busy, you set the alarm… the alarm goes off, it goes off again, you turn it off in your sleep, the backup goes off, phone calls from friends and acquaintances trying to help you get up and finally the time passes… and you wake up angry that your alarm clock and friends managed to get you out of bed!!!!

Let me tell you… according to research, truly happy people enjoy waking up in the morning. They have shaped their day with a simple daily routine, which they follow from the morning and which gives them positive energy and well-being until the evening. But what is this routine and what are these great habits that you too can adopt and ultimately see waking up in the morning and life in a more positive light?

The Morning Happy People …..

They wake up with a sense of gratitude, appreciation, a feeling of happiness and a loving and positive attitude. They truly appreciate life and enjoy every detail of it. Every morning, when they wake up, they express to their own people their feelings and how happy they are to have them. They also have a diary, in which they record their schedule or anything they think or feel, stating their gratitude.

They are not discouraged by a bad day and believe that every day is different, new and much better than the previous one.They start each new day with optimism, ready to conquer their goals and most importantly their happiness.

They maintain their calm and concentration, trying not to get upset especially if there is no serious reason. Most of the happy people are religious and often pray to the creator. Happy people positively motivate themselves every morning to have a beautiful day.

They read for self-improvement. They read the Bible, they read history books, psychology books…everyone reads stories of their choice, which inspire them in their lives in general, guiding them according to their choices. They see reading as a daily ritual, with the aim of improving themselves, becoming better by developing their knowledge and self-awareness.

They simplify their lives. They don’t like complicated morning routines, they cut out unclear people from their lives and try to avoid anything that causes them anxiety, stress, stealing their calm and positive energy. Specifically, they make sure that they have the clothes they will wear the next day ready from the evening, they have the coffee machine ready before they go to bed, their lunch is already in their bag and they have everything ready and organized hours before they need it. A happy person is not so last minute and likes the schedule.

Exercise inside or outside. As is known, exercise raises the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain that act against stress, depression, giving vitality, energy and stimulation to the bloodstream. Exercising in the morning is a priority for happy people who like to exercise in the morning so they don’t worry about finding time to exercise later in the day. They recognize that willpower is stronger in the morning. Exercise does not necessarily mean exercise equipment and weights, but can also be a morning walk in the fresh air with your dog.

They see life positively, living in the present. Seeing only beauty around you, whether you are sitting in your armchair, out on the balcony, in front of the sea or even waiting for the metro… is extremely refreshing and helps you to be excited about each special day. They live in the moment, in the present and they don’t want to waste their time, since every minute is important.


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