

Alopecia? Why?

After I tell you what he’s like as a good boy, then I’ll tell you what he’s like…

Let’s first see ..

Alopecia alopecia, also known as trichophagus, is a mainly autoimmune benign disease in which hair loss occurs both on the head and on the body.

Every day 80-100 hairs should fall out of our hair and in their place are already new hairs.
When we suffer from alopecia the fall has no limit and often occurs in places.

So let’s see the already of alopecia :

-Printed from


-Total (yes and yet )

-Hyulotic and non-scarring in which we have three categories

α) Androgenetic type baldness, where it occurs in both women and men and there is usually an inheritance of an enzyme (dihydrotestosterone), although its course is also determined by psychological factors such as stress.

b) Gyroid includes ages 5-30 years, coexists with other autoimmune diseases and can occur all over the body.

c) Trichlorosis

As it turns out the treatment of alopecia is not easy and the psychological aspect plays a very big role.
As one of my clients says, “it passed me by when it stopped bothering me” .
However, there are now ways of treating it that seem to help.

The minoxidil solution after 4-5 months
Not directly the anthralin cream
The administration of corticosteroids
Injections of cortisone, usually two times a month apart, into the affected area

But don’t forget !

Your hairdresser can help you, but the right person to cure this disease is your dermatologist!

All I can tell you as a hairdresser and a human being is this …
What’s worth so much, man, what problem can eat you up so much inside that you might even go so far as to put on a wig?

Did I shock you, huh?


Both alopecia and other diseases have to do with our inner self.
And if we don’t take care of that, no matter how much medicine we take … there will be no cure .

We’ll just cover it up, cover it up with cortisone 😉.

Take it another way … life is too short for boring hair, bad sex and tasteless coffee !

Here is the recipe !!!!

✔️άνοιξε the window..

✔️βάλε music

✔️ευχαρίστησε God for what you have and forgets what you could still have!

✔️ευχαρίστησε yourself

We’re just passing through … and here we are!!

Yours sincerely

Mina Synioraki ❤️👊🏽


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